Monday, May 13, 2013

Every Day in May - Day 13

SO great to be back on the bike today.  I receive nothing for this endorsement -- but I gotta tell you, the Emergen-C hot drinks I had each day last week when I started feeling bad really kicked my col very quickly.

I had errands to do today so rode with daughter to her work place, bought her coffee, made sure her bike was locked up. Then rode up to one of our race organizers' house to pick up some extra shirts to give to volunteers who helped with Packet Pick Up. Then rode back to my neck of the woods to deliver shirts.

When all was said and done I'd ridden a little over 10 miles and it felt good.

I passed all of our 3 lakes. This couple was hanging out on the shoreline of the north lake.

1 comment:

The Bug said...

Sounds like a great day. I'm glad you're feeling better! Yesterady I was cleaning up some craft stuff to give away & there was so much dust that I just knew I'd be having a reaction today. So far so good though :)