Thursday, March 14, 2013

Back and Brr!

I'm home for now.  Apparently over the weekend while I was gone it was AWESOME cycling weather here. I can tell you today is NOT.

I got home Tuesday evening after a totally uneventful and smooth flight on United via Houston.  I have to ask though -- when airlines charge $25 per bag under the plane, do they not realize that it will prompt people to try to carry on more than the 2 approved items and in larger than allowed sizes?  Why not just cut the fee and enforce the cabin rules.  sheesh.

Yesterday I met some of my cycling friends/advocates to take a look-see where some development is going on.  One of the County planners wanted to get our group's feedback on how it will integrate into the area around it.  It was really nice for him to offer -- this project was approved long ago so they're not going to change much, but it was great to sit down with the developer's representative, a couple of county people and cyclists and talk about what the future might hold.  Then we took a little ride through the area.

It gave us an opportunity to tell the County person, "this is great, but while we're here, look at the crossover there -- it's not safe to get cyclists or pedestrians over to the (in this case) Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Museum Annex."  A picture is worth a 1000 words but a personal visit on a bicycle is worth a library!  So noted, I hope it will do some good.

The point is now the County people are asking the advocacy group to evaluate the occasional project instead of presenting it as fait-accompli!

This morning my son's bus didn't show up so at 6:50 I was driving him to school in my pajamas. I thought I'd go back to sleep but couldn't.  I had a prayer meeting at 9:30 and considered riding my bike but today it's about 35 and the wind is blowing like the dickens so I combined that outing with 2 errands and even saved a friend a trip to the post office since I was going anyway, so I think I scored some "almost" virtuous points without freezing my tail off.

1 comment:

The Bug said...

Yes - we had some glorious weather while you were gone, but it's been cold & yucky here too (snow flurries yesterday). Today it's beautiful, but still really cold (in the 30s). It did give me an opportunity to wear a hat I made last week - it was nice to not have to wait until next winter :)

I hit snooze about four times, then turned the alarm OFF & rolled over. Thank goodness my husband woke me up at 7:00 & I was able to clock in at work just in time. I really wish I could turn into a person who would just GET UP when the alarm goes off. I think I'm going to have to put an alarm across the room - that can't be any worse for my husband than me hitting snooze endlessly!