Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee hosts this lovely meme each Wednesday. Very thought provoking questions, and many fun people with good senses of humor answer! Feel free to play along by clicking on the link to Linda's site!
This Week's Random Dozen
1. It's early morning, about 2:00AM, and you're driving home. You come to a red light and sit there. There is no one in sight for miles around. Do you wait it out or run the light? I am so rules-oriented, I wait...and I'm so self-righteous that I probably judge the guy next to me who doesn't...(Forgive me Lord for judging)2. If you had the chance to re-do the last 24 hours, would you change anything? Yes, I would start nagging my son about writing his thank-you notes YESTERDAY instead of today. (Forgive me Lord for not being able to discern the difference between nagging and persevering)
3. When you reply to someone's comment on your blog, do you reply in your comments or go to her blog and comment? (Or email her) All three, depending on the situation. (Thank you Lord for giving me so many options)
4. Your favorite Disney movie is: Mary Poppins (Thank you Lord for wholesome movies I could cheerfully share with my children when they were young)
5. Do you recycle? Yes, most of the time, most of the stuff. (Thank you Lord for the recycling company making it easy to practice this kind of stewardship)
6. Games of strategy or games of chance? Strategy (Forgive me Lord for thinking I'm in control!)
7. Do you have any recurring dreams? Not any more (Thank you Lord for peaceful sleep)
8. What did you learn from your first real job? That the world of rock-n-roll was a seedy place. I worked at a radio station on the request line. (Thank you Lord for forgiving me for the sins I committed in those dark days)
9. Do you buy or borrow most books? Borrow from the library. I work the huge used book sales at our library and I can't stand the thought of paying more than $3 for any hardback book now. (Thank you Lord for your abundant provision!)
10. What fashion trend of the past did you say you'd never wear again but did? I don't have an answer for this. I am so anti-trend that I can't even think of any! (Thank you Lord for memory loss!)
11. When do you start Christmas shopping? When I remember I'm running out of time. (Thank you Lord for helping me focus on the celebration of love that Christmas is)
12. Have you ever been so happy that you literally jumped up and down for a few seconds? If so, what was the occasion? Yes, when the test strip showed a line meaning "yes". And then I got in the car and went over to where my husband had gone for a haircut and tracked him down so I could tell him he was going to be a daddy. (Thank you Lord for those memories that make me smile!)
I enjoyed your Random Dozen 12 things to be thankful for. Nicely done.
Your answers to 6 and 10 made me giggle. ;)
I'm usually a very rules oriented person too, but totally can see myself rolling through the light at 2 a.m. if no one was around.
Ohhhhh how I LOVED being part of your morning devotions with the Lord! That was very nice! That test strip - that would make ME jump too! (well... not anymore - but back in the day!) Actually... it would STILL make me jump - it would be a MAJOR MIRACLE!!!
I love how you put a thankful spin on your Random Dozen, that is great! #12 was so sweet!
Great answers -- and many things to be thankful for.
It really is hard to tell the difference between nagging and persevering sometimes.
And it is definitely good not to be able to remember some things!
what a great#12...babies do make you jump!
Popped over from the Random Dozen - enjoyed your answers and your thankfulness in all things.
Oh the last answer is so sweet :)
I adore that Mark Twain quote! I think it will make it's way onto my book blog!
With #1 I am so judge other drivers that do stupid things.
Mary Poppins is one of the few movies that I do not like. It took me almost 40 years to be able to sit through the entire thing.
Great Answers, like how you included the Lord with each answer.
I loved your answers and your thankfulness.
And I could have written #1! Ouch!
Another Mary Poppins gal! We need to have a Par-tay!!
This reminds me of Psalm 136!
What a wonderful refocusing, no matter what we do or how we answer we can always find something to thank God for!
Great Random Dozen.
Have a wonderful rest of the week.
Loved your thankfulness theme! I would be prone to judging/envying if someone was brave enough to zip through the light, but I'd still sit there and wait! :)
Wonderful answers my friend :)
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