Sunday, December 19, 2010

Microfiction Monday

Thank you Susan at Stony River for hosting this all year long! A special Christmas blessing upon your family! I have to say my micro this week is a tip of the lei at my dear blogfriend Thom!

Here's today's Microfiction illustration, followed by my take on it.  Merry Christmas to all of my blogworld visitors and friends! May each of you find the joy and love of Christmas carries on throughout the coming year in your lives.

The pig didn’t connect the greens, the package of spices, and his presence as honored guest. Luau never even entered his mind. 

And if you haven't seen it, this is an awesome presentation:


Peggy said...

Oh my, I'm sure the luau is every pigs biggest nightmare.
Clever take on the picture. Never thought of it myself!
Have a Merry Christmas Mom.

Sylvia K said...

Ah, innocent piglet, always the first to go!! Fun one for the day! Hope you have a great week and a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy!


Susan at Stony River said...

Uh oh, piggy! Enjoy those hula dancers like there's NO TOMORROW....

I have a story to tell you, too, coming soon --

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Are they on the Way to Thom's?

Susan Fobes said...

A pig always needs to be on the lookout for the "luau!" LOL!

Maria@BubblegumandDuctTape said...

oh yes, everyone wants to barbeque the piggy, we sure love pork chops!

Larry said...

we almost went word for word that how trippy is that LOL

Microfiction Mondays

Pat said...

Lol! And I thought pigs were smart! But if I were a pig and saw snow on the ground, I wouldn't think luau either.

Anonymous said...

had trouble loading the nativity clip so will come back to view it later. Poor piggy, so sweet and innocent! :O)

izzy said...

They are starting to get the picture!

Scott M. Frey said...

The pig might have taken a lesson from the Thanksgiving Turkey, yea?


Strummed Words said...

A luau on a warm island would be great this time of year!

Pooch said...

Fun take from the pig's point of view! Original and chilling!!

Merry Christmas!

faith said...

Oh no! Another cluess pig. Poor thing.

Michael G-G said...

Glad the pig don't understand Hawaiian.

Your comment on mine was hilarious! I had better watch what I eat before bedtime--that's right!

Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

That's fun! Good thing the little piggy didn't suspect anything...nothing worse than tough pork! LOL

quilly said...

And I suppose that poor pig thinks the Imu is a newfangled pig wallow! (I love kalua pig!)

Dianne said...

poor pig! :)

Unknown said...

Oh how very clever! Poor piggy.

Ms.Daisy said...

Oh my! Although I do love a good barbeque pork sandwhich! LOL!
Great MM!
Have a Merry Christmas!


Diane said...

We had the same thought! Great minds think alike..... :O)

Akelamalu said...

Your pig ended up on the table too eh? ;)

Doctor FTSE said...

Yes . . . two great presentations.

Jim said...

OMGosh, this is a dumb pig you have found! I almost feel sorry for him. ;)