Saturday, August 3, 2013

Just Get on Your Bike and Ride

I knew I wanted to get in a longish ride this morning as I'm doing an event ride tomorrow so I needed to stretch my muscles.  As the early light of dawn filtered in I thought, "in a while"...and then it got dark as cloud cover moved in.  I continued to lie abed and wait to see if the weather would improve -- purely for visibility's sake, of course.

Finally, I gave up and just got ready, putting on one of my bright yellow jerseys, and headed out.  God rewarded my perseverance with an exploding bush -- a burst of goldfinches as I rode by. I'd never seen them anywhere but on a feeder so that was cool.  Made me wish I had a helmet cam.  He also gave me a good Samaritan who gave me excellent directions to connect from where I was to where I wanted to go, without having to go in heavy traffic, and with the delight of a fairweather crossing.

And, I think I got hit by six raindrops in 16 miles.  So it was definitely worth going.  Now for a shower and a meeting this afternoon to prepare for the exchange students.  They arrive next week!

This year's crop:

3 from Austria
1 from Bangladesh
1 from Chile
1 from Finland
1 from France
2 from Germany
2 from Italy
1 from Japan
1 from Korea
1 from Norway
1 from Qatar

Should be an interesting year!

1 comment:

The Bug said...

What a fabulous treat! We occasionally get finches at our feeder - but usually no more than 2. To get to see a whole bush explode is fabulous!