Monday, May 16, 2011


This week is the week that EVERYTHING is HAPPENING.  So if I don't get back before next week, here's why:

1.  Daughter's IB Exam today (paper 1) and tomorrow (paper 2)
2.  End of Community Bible Study Sharing Day for Leaders (tomorrow) (must bring food)
3.  End of Community Bible Study Sharing Day for Class (Wednesday morning) (must bring food)
4.  Annual Volunteer Appreciation Event for Library (must attend as board member) (Wednesday afternoon)
5.  Son's big Science exam followed by sports/scout physical (Thursday)
6.  Friday evening - friend for dinner
7.  Saturday morning -- pre-race meeting for Triathlon on Sunday
8.  Sunday morning -- Reston Youth Triathlon


The kids' exams require me to do additional driving as their schedule at school changes.

NOW, add to this that

a.  a lady who rides with me to CBS who suffers from Parkinsons made some statements last week about her home life that have prompted an investigation
b.  our lead volunteer for the library is doing chemo and may not be allowed to come on Wed so I get to gather all the good wishes and deliver them to her.

Anyone else got anything they want me to add in?  I have 15 minutes or so on Friday that aren't filled...

I just have to remind myself that when I can't do it, He can.  Got to keep my eyes on Him.

See you when I can!


Robin said...

Sounds frantic. I hope you're able to find a few minutes to decompress and destress in between it all. I hope too that your friend's homelife issues are resolved in the best way possible.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

SouthLakesMom said...

Thanks, Robin! I keep saying, it is just one week, and then half of it is O.V.E.R.

The Bug said...

Now I'M cross-eyed! I lead such a calm life in comparison :) I just have Bible Study tonight & then we leave tomorrow to go see the folks in NC for a few days.