Monday, April 22, 2013

Quick Down and Back

My daughter will be finishing her first year of college next Monday and will be coming home for the summer. She had accumulated more than 1 carload's worth of STUFF to drag home, so she asked if I could bring her home this weekend, along with a load of stuff.  I drove down on Friday and took her back yesterday afternoon.

It's a 2 hour drive each way through some of the most beautiful countryside Virginia has to offer (especially if you're staying on an interstate).  Even the rainy weather is beautiful due to the Blue Ridge.

I generally love those times with her because she really talks.  We get to discuss social dynamics, political stuff, moral stuff, and that completely engrossing topic, "WHY DO GUYS DO THAT?"  We don't come up with a lot of answers, but we do have fun thinking about them.

This was our view on Friday heading east on I-66 right around Front Royal. I cropped it, but didn't do any other clean-up, so the ick you see is on my windshield.  Oh well.  It's Spring in Virginia.  Pollen, bugs, raindrops. Normal stuff.

1 comment:

The Bug said...

Gorgeous! I kept hoping Mike would get a job teaching in Virginia...