Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bake Away Your Troubles

We don't really have any troubles, but I thought that was a catchy title.  We did have some over-ripe bananas though, and I'm SO TIRED of the traditional banana bread recipe, I searched in my cabinet to see what else I could put in with them.

Eureka!  Dates that were purchased for fruitcake cookies but that didn't end up being used!  Then I googled recipes to find one that sounded good.

Eating Out Loud is a blog I visit on occasion, and this time, I found exactly what I needed.  Allen had a recipe from back in November in which he showed the same traits I inflict upon my family, i.e. impatience (quick breads) and making use of forgotten and neglected foodstuffs (black bananas and left over dates).  By the way, the main recipe today looks intriguing as well!  The banana bread recipe is HERE

And here's a photo of my result.  The guys had just gotten back from the gym and were VERY HAPPY to be guinea pigs!  It is truly delicious.  I will say that it took my bread about another 30 minutes to bake through, rather than the 1 hour Allen advises.  Do you have a favorite recipe for leftover bananas? Please share!


quilly said...

I don't exactly have a recipe, but I was about to make my standard (Gram's) banana bread and add dried cranberries and chopped pecans to the batter. Doesn't that sound yummy?

The Bug said...

I don't like dates, but I LOVE banana bread - yum! I just use the recipe from the old red & white checked Better Homes & Gardens cookbook.

I learned a tip the other week - when bananas reach your perfect ripeness put them in the fridge. The peels will discolor, but the ripening process will stop. My boss asked me yesterday if I had a science project going on - but the banana was perfect!

Allen said...

Looks absolutely delicious! So glad you gave it a try ;-)

SouthLakesMom said...

Quilly - it does sound yummy -- although we don't do the nuts as we have a nut allergy in the family. I have some pomegranate infused craisins I might have to try with banana bread soon. We always have bananas...

Dana- you might like dates mixed into these breads. They give it a sweetness that makes things like extra brown sugar unnecessary!

Allen -- thanks for stopping by! The purple eggs are next!